Strength in the City

A Health and Wellness brand that brings people together of all fitness levels. One city at a time.

The Challenge

Strength in the City was facing various marketing challenges, including low brand awareness, difficulty in reaching their target audience, and low ticket sales for their health and wellness events. They needed to increase their online presence, attract more people to their events, and generate more revenue.

The Solution

Move The World Operations devised a comprehensive digital marketing strategy to help Strength in the City achieve their goals. The agency used a combination of social media marketing, content marketing, and email marketing to increase brand awareness, attract more people to their events, and generate more revenue.

Social Media Marketing

Move The World Operations helped Strength in the City to improve their social media presence by creating engaging and relevant content, running targeted ads, and leveraging influencer marketing. The agency created a content calendar that included various types of posts, such as event updates, motivational quotes, and fitness tips.

They also used Instagram and Facebook ads to reach a wider audience and promote their events. In addition, the agency identified and collaborated with relevant influencers in the fitness and wellness space to promote Strength in the City's events to their followers.

Content Marketing

Move The World Operations helped Strength in the City to create and publish high-quality content that would engage their target audience and drive traffic to their website.

The agency created blog posts, videos, and infographics that provided valuable information on fitness and wellness topics. They also optimized the content for search engines to improve visibility and attract more organic traffic to the website.

Email Marketing

Move The World Operations helped Strength in the City to create and send targeted email campaigns to their subscribers. The agency designed email templates that were visually appealing and included relevant information about upcoming events. They also used segmentation to personalize the emails based on subscribers' interests and behaviors.

The Results


Increased brand awareness


Increased organic traffic


Increased ticket sales


Increased social media engagement
“It’s great to work with a team that thinks outside of the box when representing our brands. They have always pitched us great ideas, and we love their drive for creating and managing campaigns. They are great to communicate with and go above and beyond to make our team happy! It is rare to find a good group of individuals like this to work with.”
Dustin Stratton
Trade Activation Manager, Anheuser Busch


Move The World Operations' comprehensive digital marketing strategy helped Strength in the City to achieve their marketing objectives and generate significant revenue.

By leveraging social media marketing, content marketing, and email marketing, the agency was able to increase brand awareness, attract more people to the events, and improve engagement with the target audience.

The successful campaign highlights the importance of a well-planned and executed digital marketing strategy in achieving business objectives.

Ready to create a memorable experience for your brand?

Get in touch with us to discuss how our event and experiential marketing services can help your brand stand out.